The Red Rocker: a fully custom classic rock voiced t-style guitar

4 Feb 2018

Tags: red rocker

The Red Rocker guitar is a landmark for Electric Flapjack Guitars, as it was the first guitar I built that build from scratch myself: what started with a bunch of planks is now a great sounding guitar. With a beautiful stained ash body, a maple neck with rosewood fretboard, and pickups from UK hand-winders House of Tone, I couldn’t be more happy with how this guitar has turned out.

To show it off, I put together this small video explaining the construction and demonstrating how it sounds:

Video creation isn’t exactly my forte, but hopefully this will give you a good idea of what I’ve built!

As with all the guitars I build, this one has a specific look and tone in mind to match the eventual owner: classic rock tones, with extra versatility thanks to a coil tap on the humbucker, and looks that are both striking and classic to match. We hope the owner will have as much fun with this guitar as we have had building and testing it.

If you’d like your own guitar like this, voiced and styled to your personal tastes, then drop us a line!