Hästen is a build that started in what I refer to phase-one of my career, when I was building based on existing designs, but completed in phase-two, after I’d found what made a guitar a Michael built guitar - which is why unlike the other builds started in that era, this one has my name on the headstock. Being a phase-two build means it has a bunch of custom 3D-printed parts, like the bridge plate and the controls, it has a custom laser-cut and laser-etched pick-guard. It has a solid ferrule-block in the rear rather than individual string-ferrules, and it has a quality fret-job with rounded fret-ends.

Add to that a wiring setup that gives twelve possible pickup combinations, you have a guitar that might look like one you’ve seen before, but is one that is distinctly a custom instrument that has all the hallmarks of one built by me.


Appearances in the build blog