I've learned a lot from other guitar builders over the years, and so this blog is a way for me to share my own build experiences and hopefully let others learn from my success and mistakes!

Come see and hear our guitars!

7 Mar 2018 - demos, makespace

We'll be doing a stand at Cambridge Science Festival where you can come and play our instruments!


A week in the shop, in spreadsheets, and in Birmingham

25 Feb 2018 - amp, BoMs, CNC-routing, testing

The practice amp project finally gets to playable stage, I do some work on BoMs, and head over to Birmingham to catch a guitar show.


A week in the shop

18 Feb 2018 - 12-string, amp, cad

Week notes time again: some more work on the amp, a new programmable pedal arrives, and exciting news on new builds!


A week in the shop

11 Feb 2018 - amp, blues deluxe, red rocker, videos

The amp gets a lick of protective paint, I edit some guitar release videos, and I put together a plan for offering a discount for prototype builds.


Buy a custom prototype!

9 Feb 2018 - offers, prototype

Announcing the prototype series: your chance to get a custom guitar made at a discount as I refine my build process.


The Blues Deluxe: a fully custom t-style deluxe voiced for vintage blues

6 Feb 2018 -

I made a video to show off the latest guitar I've build, called The Blues Deluxe.


Another week out the shop

4 Feb 2018 - amp, cheese, monkigras, video

Some time spent working on CAD models to enable me to better build my guitars, and a trip to Monkigras conference.


The Red Rocker: a fully custom classic rock voiced t-style guitar

4 Feb 2018 - red rocker

I made a short video to show off the first guitar that I fully made myself, The Red Rocker.