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A Month Out the Shop

21 Jul 2024 - älgen, delfinen, emf, liverpool, makefest, sweden, verkstaden

A summer summary: I've presented at two major events where I showed off the guitars, I went on holiday and bumped into some interesting guitars, and I went to a non-guitar event where I made some design observations I can apply to guitars!


A photo of me stood in a library behind a table with several guitars, including one where the body is 3D printed.

A week out the shop

6 Jun 2022 - 3d printing, emf

Some important 3D prints are delivered, and a trip to EMFCamp


A photo of a 3D-printed aluminum part that will form the headstock of my new guitra. It has a small rectangular base about 42mm across, with holes for 3 screws, and then seven fins that raise up to trap the string ends.