Tags > Laser-Etching

A Week in the Shop

30 Jul 2024 - electronics, hästen, laser-cutting, laser-etching, pick-guard

This week Hästen gets close to complete! We take a look at the evolution of a pick-guard design and a look at what makes the electronic circuit in this guitar unusual.


A photo of an electric guitar sat in a case on a workbench in a workshop. The guitar is an offset design, with a pale blue painted body, a black pickguard, with two chrome humbucker pickups on it. The neck is a birds-eye maple.

A Couple of Weeks in the Shop

1 Oct 2023 - Delfinen, Hästen, Laser-etching, Logo, Painting, Verkstaden, Westfield

A lot going on in the workshop as I try to push the three ongoing guitar builds towards finishing, and I get re-united with the instrument that is somewhat responsible for all this.


A close-up of three headstocks, with my signature and guitar's name laser etched into the headstock.