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Fretboard design generator

1 Dec 2017 - cnc routing, dxf, laser-cutting, open source

Generating fretboard layouts is tedious at best. Whilst there are lots of existing fret spacing calculators out there, they still require you enter the measurements into your design tool by hand, and I wanted to automate that process. Hence the existence of this - a simple webpage where you enter the details of the fretboard you want and it'll generate either an SVG or DXF file for you to import into either your design/CAD software or CAM workflow.


3D printed Fretboard Radius Gauges

7 Sep 2018 - 3d printing, open source

One of the advantages of a 3D printer is you can make your own tools. I recently forgot to bring my fretboard radius gauge set into the workshop, so I quickly whipped up a design in Autodesk Fusion 360, which is parametrisable so I can quickly change the design to the desired radius, and then printed out the gauge I needed - I was back up and running in less than half an hour! To save you the effort of the design stage I've published the designs for you to use!


Fretboard design generator

1 Dec 2017 - cad, cnc routing, fretboard, javascript, laser-cutting, maker, open source

A look at a tool I've made and open sourced to help you design and make fretboards for your guitars.


A screenshot of a fretboard editor in a browser. Shows a diagram of a fretboard, and controls that let you set things like scale-length, how many frets, inlays etc.