Tags > Neck

A Week in the Shop

22 Jul 2023 - hästen, neck, offset, routing, verkstaden

Making headway on a client build, as it starts to get close to finishing time, and some tidying up of one of my prototypes before it heads to the spray booth.


A close up of an in-progress neck carve, showing the transition between the headstock and the back of the neck. The neck is made from bird's eye maple.

A Week in the Shop

17 Jun 2023 - älgen, carving, hästen, laser-cutting, neck, spraying, verkstaden

The race is on to get Älgen ready for Liverpool Makefest, I dodge a knot as I carve Hästens neck, and I say who needs scissors if you have a laser-cutter?


A view of the 3D-printed lattice-work guitar body in the spray booth ready to be sprayed.

A Week in the Shop

4 Jun 2023 - finishing, hästen, makefest, neck, staining, vertstaden, yellow

More progress, setbacks, and progress this week as I push on with the neck I'm building, and I make the most wonderful yellow guitar top.


A guitar body sits on the workbench. It has a maple cap, and is stained a deep yellow colour.

A Week in the Shop

27 May 2023 - andy powers, grain filler, hästen, joe cocker, mistakes, neck, verkstaden

A long write-up this week, as I make progress, make a significant mistake, make a recovery from my mistake, and make more progress.


A work-in-progress guitar neck sits on the workbench, surrounded by sawdust on the floor.

A Week in the Shop

12 Feb 2023 - 3D printing, älgen, bhm, blues deluxe, delfinen, grant green, neck, orca, sanding

A bit of everything this week: more neck carving, inspirational jazz performers, 3D-printing with carbon-fibre, finding odd imperial sized screws, and having fun with obtuse seeming digital music tools.


An unfinished guitar neck sits fretboard down on a workbench, surrounded with sanding disks.

A Week in the Shop

22 Jan 2023 - delfinen, fretting, kerf, laser-cutting, neck, palm router, verkstaden

Getting back into the swing of things with making dust in the workshop: a neck gets prepped and fretted, and I try out my new ferrule block technique to learn that it needs improving.


A guitar body sat on the workshop, with a couple of parts laid on top of it to give the impression of how it might look when finished. The top is a nice birds-eye maple, and on one side it is nicely rounded, and on the other side it has a pointy horn to it.

A week in the shop

20 Sep 2021 - carving, inlays, neck

Swapping theory back for practice to remind myself why I build guitars.


A brief week in the shop

14 Sep 2020 - laser-cutting, neck, verkstaden

I make progress on the new guitar model as I work out what I can and can't do in my new workshop home, and I spend some time laser-cutting pick-guards for another builder.


A roughly shaped guitar neck is on a pillar drill, with the holes for the tuning pegs being drilled.