Tags > Templates

A week in the shop

15 Jan 2022 - 3d printing, älgen, cnc routing, fusion 360, jigs, laser-cutting, templates

After months of being just a CAD model, my Älgen guitar design finally begins to take form!


Updates on my Älgen guitar design

4 Oct 2021 - 3d printing, älgen, dying, jigs, nylon, templates

Updates on my Älgen guitar design: getting some actual wood, experiments in dying 3D prints, and designing some hopefully correctly complicated jigs.


A week in Fusion

21 May 2018 - CAD, templates

Without access to a CNC router to make progress, I step away from the workshop for a week to plan out both alternative ways of building, and alternative guitar designs.


A screnshot of a CAD tool showing a design for a solid bodied electric guitar.