Tags > Wuthering Bytes

A Few Weeks in and Out the Shop

17 Sep 2023 - Älgen, Delfinen, Hästen, Wuthering Bytes

A catch of events both out of (attending Wuthering Bytes, talking at OSHCamp) and back in the workshop (a lot of carving and sanding).


A photo of me talking in front of an audience. I'm stood wearing a guitar on a strap in front of a slide showing a CAD model of the same guitar, and I'm doing the devil's horns gesture with my hands for some reason.

A Week in the Shop

13 Aug 2023 - älgen, delfinen, hästen, OSHCamp, painting, spray-booth, templates, toothbrush, verkstaden, wuthering bytes

A busy day in the workshop, including finally learning how to spray paint bodies using the booth and spray-gun, and prepping my talk for OSHCamp at the end of the month.


Two guitar bodies are mounted on a rack in the wall of the workshop, the lower one is painted in white primer, and the upper one has black primer around the sides, the top being covered with a cardboard screen.

A Week in sources of inspiration

19 Mar 2023 - chuncaster, inspiration, jazz, paul reed smith, pickups, podcasts, prs, straps, wuthering bytes

Pausing my regular workshop updates this week to look at something that's been on my mind of late: sources of inspiration and motivation, and how to channel that into my guitar building.


My brother on stage at King Tut's Wah Wah hut singing into a mic whilst holding a PRS guitar

A week out the shop

3 Sep 2019 - fuzz, kicad, OSHCamp, talks, Wuthering Bytes

This week I've been up to Hebden Bridge, presenting at Wuthering Bytes conference, and taking part in the Open Source Hardware Camp.


I am presenting to a crowded room, showing the audience somethinb about the guitar I'm holding, in front of a slide titled 'From Frets to Amplifiers'