Tags > 3d Printing

A Week in and out the Shop

19 Sep 2022 - 3d printing, älgen, delfinen, ferrules, fusion 360, jigs, laser-cutting, patching, templates

A week of having more questions than answers as try to push the Delfin build forward.


A Week in the Shop

1 Aug 2022 - 3d printing, älgen, bridge, headless, strings, website

This week was all about getting to that all important milestone on our new guitar design: getting the strings on and finding out if we have an instrument or not.


A week in the shop

12 Jun 2022 - 3d printing, älgen, delfinen, templates, thingiverse

My Älgen build finally starts to become a guitar in my eyes, fun with 3D prints, and so so much sanding.


A week out the shop

6 Jun 2022 - 3d printing, emf

Some important 3D prints are delivered, and a trip to EMFCamp


A photo of a 3D-printed aluminum part that will form the headstock of my new guitra. It has a small rectangular base about 42mm across, with holes for 3 screws, and then seven fins that raise up to trap the string ends.

A week in the shop

22 May 2022 - 3d printing, älgen, delfinen, fusion 360

We hit an epic milestone for the part-3D printed guitar design, and I walk through some of the small details as I refine the CAD model for my second build.


A photo of a weird in progress guitar on stand on a workbench. The centre of the guitar is a plank of walnut that runs the length of the body and neck, and to either side of it the body shape is made from a 3D-printed lattice in white plastic.

A return to the shop

2 May 2022 - 3D printing, älgen, fusion 360, jigs, laser-cutting, palm router, templates

After a hiatus due to reasons, I'm finally getting time back in the workshop. This week mostly redesigning my tooling after some initial setbacks on my hybrid guitar.


A week in the shop

15 Jan 2022 - 3d printing, älgen, cnc routing, fusion 360, jigs, laser-cutting, templates

After months of being just a CAD model, my Älgen guitar design finally begins to take form!


Santa's delivery catch up

7 Jan 2022 - 3d printing, älgen, branding, fusion 360

Santa delivers some exciting 3D prints, and I spent some time refining my CAD models for better product renders.


End of year wrap up

23 Dec 2021 - 3d printing, älgen, fusion 360, generative design, shapeways, the corvette

An end of year catch-up: The Corvette guitar ships out, and the Älgen guitar hits an important milestone after much CAD fiddling!


Älgen progress update

23 Nov 2021 - 3d printing, älgen, fusion 360, jigs

Progress for my new guitar design: testing how to mount 3D prints on wood, and making a start on shaping the walnut that I'll use for the main body.