Tags > Laser-Cutting

A week in the shop

15 May 2022 - älgen, delfinen, fusion 360, jigs, laser-cutting, templates

Dealing with 3D print shrinkage; looking at the tiny design details users will never see; how a damaged guitar body leads to a better design; and just what makes a guitar a Michael Dales guitar?


A return to the shop

2 May 2022 - 3D printing, älgen, fusion 360, jigs, laser-cutting, palm router, templates

After a hiatus due to reasons, I'm finally getting time back in the workshop. This week mostly redesigning my tooling after some initial setbacks on my hybrid guitar.


A week in the shop

15 Jan 2022 - 3d printing, älgen, cnc routing, fusion 360, jigs, laser-cutting, templates

After months of being just a CAD model, my Älgen guitar design finally begins to take form!


A brief week in the shop

14 Sep 2020 - laser-cutting, neck, verkstaden

I make progress on the new guitar model as I work out what I can and can't do in my new workshop home, and I spend some time laser-cutting pick-guards for another builder.


A roughly shaped guitar neck is on a pillar drill, with the holes for the tuning pegs being drilled.

Fretboard design generator

1 Dec 2017 - cad, cnc routing, fretboard, javascript, laser-cutting, maker, open source

A look at a tool I've made and open sourced to help you design and make fretboards for your guitars.


A screenshot of a fretboard editor in a browser. Shows a diagram of a fretboard, and controls that let you set things like scale-length, how many frets, inlays etc.

Making your own dot inlays

29 Nov 2017 - fretboard, laser-cutting

How to make your own dot inlays for fretboards using a laser-cutter.